Benefits of Homoeopathy

      In today's conventional practice, the physician spends very little time with the patient. It is of utmost importance that the doctor, gives a patient hearing to the person ailing, spends some time to discuss about his illness and understands the suffering of the individual seeking treatment.
       Homoeopathy is a holistic science, which renders cure and healing, rather than mere alleviation of disease, and takes into consideration the minutest details of the ailing person. In order to do this, a Homoeopathic physician needs to spend a substantial amount of time with the patient and understand several aspects about him and his life.
       During the process of Homoeopathic case taking, he not only enquires about the physical ailments in detail but also questions about his general state of health, illnesses in the past and family, his life situation, anxieties and stress, fears, dreams etc. This helps the physician to perceive the diseased person in totality, thereby enabling him to find the right Homoeopathic Similimum for the patient. It also helps the patient to repose trust in his physician and develop a good rapport with him.
  • Homoeopathy is Safe

          The doses of Homoeopathic medicines are prepared in a standardized, well-controlled and hygienic environment. As compared to the conventional medication, the doses of Homoeopathic medicines have sub physiological presence of the source substance, as a result of which, there are no toxicological effects of the remedies. Hence there are no side effects or structural damages to the organs.
          Also there are no added colors or flavors to the medicines. Homoeopathic medicines work by enhancing the immune response of the body to the illness. They are safe to administer in children, pregnant women, old persons as well as in immuno-compromised individuals and people with weak constitutions. The doses are calibrated in small quantities, so an accidental intake of extra medication (e.g. taking more number of pills at a time than advised) at a time resulting in overdose is nil. According to the principles of Homoeopathic pharmacy and posology, an intake of 3-4 pills at a time or even 10 - 15 pills is the same and constitutes a single dose.
  • Homoeopathic Medicines are Palatable and Easy to Administer

          Homoeopathic pills are sucrose based (so are sweet to taste) and are very much palatable. Children take these medicines willingly and do not make a "fuss" over taking medication.
          Ingestion is easier as the pills have to be kept in the mouth, sucked and allowed to dissolve, so no water is required to swallow them. As the size of the pills is quite small, there is no gagging while swallowing the medicine.
          There are no major food and diet restrictions as regards to the taking of Homoeopathic medicines. One is only expected not to eat or drink anything 15 minutes prior to and after taking the medicines, and avoid anything with a strong odor or taste.
          In rare situations when a patient is not able to take drugs orally, Homoeopathic medicines can be administered through olfaction (by inhalation) and that too with the same efficacy.
          Homoeopathic medicines are also available in liquid form, so if desired, one can take them by adding a few drops of medicine in a tablespoon of water.
          They are now also available in conventional blister packs, making it easier to carry them.
  • Homoeopathy Cures

          Homoeopathy is a holistic science which treats "Man in disease" and not "Disease in man". Disease and its symptoms are nothing but an expression of some inner disturbance. Merely alleviating the symptoms without addressing the inner disturbance does not lead to a cure. For e.g. in a person suffering from recurrent allergic rhinitis (allergic cold), the outside allergen is not the cause of his problem (it just acts as a stimulus), but his altered immune response is responsible for the malady. When medicines are given for the allergic symptoms, the symptoms do get ameliorated but the altered immune response is not taken care of, which results in recurrence of the same problem again and again. On the contrary, Homoeopathic medicines bring about restoration of this inner disturbance (altered immunity), which is the root cause of the various expressions that are seen in the form of disease and its symptoms. Once this inner disturbance is corrected the malady is effectively and permanently removed rendering the person free from the disease.
          Hence it is able to cure many of the disease conditions that are termed as incurable by the conventional system of medicine. Many illnesses have been found to respond favorably to Homoeopathic medication. e.g. allergic disorders, skin diseases, systemic illnesses like high blood pressure, psychosomatic and psychiatric illness etc are just a few to mention .The medicines give equally good results in acute as well chronic illnesses.
  • Homoeopathic Medicines are Easily Available

          Homoeopathic medicines are easily available in most of the pharmacies on prescriptions, and some 'over the counter preparations' (like hair oils, soaps, shampoos, ointments) are also readily available. The cost of these medicines is relatively cheaper than the conventional medication.
  • Homoeopathy for better Life-Style

          As Homoeopathy treats the individual as whole and not different parts of his body, the benefits of such a treatment are ten folds.
          Individuals under the treatment experience a general sense of well-being. They feel better in their mind as well as the body and this has a profound effect on their day-to-day life. People under regular Homoeopathic treatment develop a good immunity, tend to fall less sick over a period of time and thus can live a healthier and fruitful life. Hence Homoeopathy is considered as a healing science, which makes the patient better mentally (emotionally and intellectually), physically and socially.